The Iraqi journalist, Alloush Al-Amir, said during his speech to Al-Ahram International correspondent in Iraq that friendship is the most important thing in existence,
and I am every sane and normal person who cannot live a normal life without the presence of loyal friends who provide moral support, advice and guidance.
Alloush added: I consider myself very fortunate to have a distinguished and loyal group of friends
who I consider to be my brothers and not just friends. Or pull you towards evil and failure.”
Fadl Friend.. Good companionship is a safety valve for the two companions, they help each other in the affairs of the world and the religion. It was narrated that Malik bin Dinar said to his circumcision “any brother-in-law”
: O Mughirah, look at every brother, companion, and friend of yours, you do not benefit from him in your religion good, so abandon his company from you So, what is that to you as an enemy? .
.. He, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: “A man is on the religion of his friend, so let one of you see who he is friendly with.”