Written by / Aref Nabih
I am writing this article, while I am in a state of sadness and deep regret because it is not the first – and it will not be the last – that the Messenger of God is cursed. I do not find a strong response from Egyptian politicians, because the one who alleges the abuse this time is a politician who lives in the Elysee Palace !!.
It seems that in a world absent from the wise and the wise, fools and offenders are prominent, and this is what appeared in the campaigns of offensive cartoons of our honorable Messenger.
The strange thing is that those polytheists who were contemporaries of the Messenger did not say to him what the extremists of the modern era said, because freedom does not give a reason or justification for insulting the Prophet of this nation that God has blessed with him. It is unfortunate that the ancestors of Western European thinkers, philosophers and literary men boast about our noble Prophet, and we are indulgent to those who insult and insult him !!.
Although some orientalists and Western thinkers did not wear the mantle of Islam, they said a word of truth that history has written on their tongues, in their books, and their heritage as a glorification and glorification of our noble Messenger.
The question here is on the lips of the French thinker (Lamartine) .. Is there someone greater than the Prophet Muhammad ?!
A question that Macron must answer after reading what was left by his forefathers, who spoke about the personality of the Prophet Muhammad with great appreciation and respect.
This is Bernard Shaw, the English philosopher who said: “The world is in need of a man in the thinking of Muhammad” and predicted that Islam would find a wide field for him in Europe.
Michael Hart stated in his book (The Immortals One Hundred) that the reason for choosing the Prophet at the top of the list is that he is the only person in history who has succeeded with distinction on the religious and worldly levels. The German philosopher St. Heller praised him, saying: “It is sufficient that he was characterized by justice and mercy, which are two of the most beautiful qualities of the human soul.”
The Austrian thinker Shubrak said about him: “Humanity is proud of the affiliation of a man like Muhammad with it, since despite his illiteracy he managed a few decades ago to come up with legislation that we Europeans will be happier than we would be if we reached its summit.”
And the American author Will Durant, author of the Encyclopedia (The Story of Civilization) says: “Muhammad Ali himself took to raise the spiritual and moral level of a people thrown by the barbarism of Diaguerre, the heat of the air and the barbarism of the desert, and he succeeded in achieving this purpose with success that no other reformer in The whole history “
Let all the offenders know that our noble Messenger was a political leader and a religious leader at the same time, but he did not have the arrogance of the clergy, or the deviation of the politicians, and he did not have the Caesarean corps, or a special guard or a palace constructed, or a steady return, but he ruled with power. The divine, because he was able to seize power without having its tools or the support of its people.
If we, the Nation of Islam, accept this humiliating situation, then there is no good in us, and these abuses will be repeated .. and thus it will not be the last time.
لن تكون المرة الأخيرة !!.
بقلم /عارف نبيه
أكتب مقالي هذا، و أنا في حالة من الحزن و الأسف الشديد لأنها ليست المرة الأولى – ولن تكون الأخيرة- التي يسب فيها رسول الله. ولا أجد ردا قويا من قبل سياسيين مصريين ، لأن من تزعم الإساءة تلك المرة سياسي يسكن قصر الإليزيه !!.
و يبدو أنه في عالم يغيب عنه العقلاء و الحكماء يبرز السفهاء و المسيئون، و هذا ما بدا في حملات الرسوم المسيئة لرسولنا الكريم.
الغريب أن من من عاصروا الرسول من المشركين لم يقولوا عليه ما قاله متطرفو العصر الحديث، فالحرية لا تعطي سببا أو مبررا لإهانة نبي هذة الأمة التي أنعم الله عليها به. ومن المؤسف أن يتفاخر أجداد الغرب الأوروبي من المفكرين و الفلاسفة ورجال الأدب بنبينا الكريم ، و نستكين نحن لمن يسبه و يهينه!!.